Fishbowl Discussion Rubric

This project is graded out of 100 points.

20 points 15 points 10 points 5 points
Contributions Makes many substantive contributions. Contributions clearly connected to discussion. Makes at least 3 substantive contributions. Connections to discussion may be tangential. Makes at least 1 substantive contribution. Speaker may not be able to connect to discussion. No contributions are made.
Reasoning and Evidence Uses strong evidence from text, with accurate citation. Uses evidence to support some points, most with citation. Uses minimal evidence or evidence is not cited. No evidence is presented.
Participation Encourages other participants. Does not interrupt or monopolize discussion. Avoids disrupting others. Generally does not interrupt or monopolize discussion. Disrupts other participants by interrupting frequently or monopolizing discussion. Does not participate.
Delivery Speaks clearly, concisely, understandably, and appropriately. Occasionally difficult to hear or understand. Difficult to hear and/or understand, and/or significantly inappropriate. Does not speak.
Preparation Annotated print copies of articles turned in and PDF copies of both articles uploaded to Moodle. One annotated print copy not turned in or one PDF copy not uploaded. No annotated copies turned in, no PDF copies uploaded, or only one article used. None of these complete at beginning of discussion period.