Agenda Grading Rubric

The most important concern for a meeting agenda or for meeting minutes is that they accomplish their core function. The core functions of agenda are to inform people who were not present of what happened at the meeting, and to serve as a record of what happened at the meeting if the group wants to look back.

Submitting agenda contributes 20 points to your grade. Agenda will receive full credit if these minimum requirements are met. If one item is missing (m) which impedes the core function of the agenda, it will receive 75% credit. If it is missing two items, it will receive 50% credit. If agenda are not submitted or the submitted agenda are severely lacking in content (missing 3 or more items), it will receive no credit.

Here is a convenient checklist of the required items:

m Objective
· Date, Time, & Location of meeting.
· Who (by name) must be at the meeting.
· What members need to do to prepare for the meeting in detail.
· What items each group member is responsible to bring to / prepare for the meeting.
· Each old business item which needs to be revisited or finalized.
· Each planned [new] business item for the meeting, including: time allocated & who is responsible for preparing and presenting.
· Each discussion item planned for the meeting, including: time allocated & who is responsible for leading discussion.
· Each item that must be decided at the meeting.

Remember: Agenda are considered “turned in” when you upload them. They are due no later than 24 hours before the meeting they will cover.
