Small Group Communication Theory, Day 2

Course(s) Used:

  • Team and Small Group Communication

Goals and Objectives:

  • Students understand the investment model and how it predicts group membership
  • Students are able to distinguish a group’s value to a person and that person’s satisfaction with the group

Rationale: Although the textbook does not explain the Investment Model, it is one of the better models of voluntary association.

Materials Needed


  • None


  • Classroom computer and projector

Outline of the Lesson

  1. Review of previous session’s content
  2. Origin of the Investment Model
    1. Origin in Economics and Consumer Psychology
    2. Social Psychology
    3. Interpersonal Communication
    4. Team and Group Communication
  3. The Investment model predicts Stay/Leave behavior
    1. Stay/Leave behavior is predicted by Commitment
    2. Commitment is predicted by Satisfaction in Group1, Perceived Quality of Alternatives2, and Possible Losses
  4. Components of Satisfaction
    1. Value (also called worth) = Reward - Costs
    2. Satisfaction = Value - Expectations
  5. Components of Possible Losses
    1. Intrinsic Investments
      1. Benefits provided by the group
      2. Efforts expended on the group
    2. Extrinsic Investments
      1. Benefits from being in the group (but not from the group)
      2. Efforts expended because of the group (but not on the group)
  6. Lesson closing

Variations and Accommodations

Follow guidance from local accommodation authorities.

  1. Social Exchange Theory speaks to this. ^
  2. Comparisons with alternatives aren’t just group-to-group. They may include multiple replacement groups or no group at all. ^