Debate Assignment

Due Dates:

  • See the calendar for your section for the available presentation dates.
  • Outline and Visual Aid – two class meetings prior to your presentation.


Being an agile and confident speaker who can think on his or her feet is beneficial. Persuasive situations often arise when minimal preparation time is available. Practice in debate requires you to demonstrate the majority of the learning outcomes for this course. You will present as part of a team during this presentation.


In this assignment you will:

  • Work with a team to prepare and deliver a series of persuasive presentations face-to-face with limited preparation time.
  • Address arguments made by an opposing team.


This assignment will also help you become familiar with the following important content in this discipline:

  • Time management
  • Forms of debate


You will conduct a debate as a team of three people against another team of three people. You will have approximately 15 minutes to prepare before the debate. Each presenter will be able to speak for a maximum of 4-minutes. The debate will be delivered face-to-face in front of your audience. You may use any notes you wish, as long as they have been prepared during the preparation time or during the debate itself. You can select any approach within the theme for the round. You do not need to include a presentation aid in these speeches. When you finish your presentation, the members of your audience should have been persuaded to vote in favor of your side.

After preparation each member of the group will speak:

Group Speaker Speech Time Limit
PRO 1 Constructive 4 minutes
CON 1 Constructive 4 minutes
PRO 2 Constructive 4 minutes
CON 2 Constructive 4 minutes
CON 3 Rebuttal 4 minutes
PRO 3 Rebuttal 4 minutes

No new arguments may be presented in rebuttal speeches.

Criteria for Success

This presentation is graded out of 75 points.

Component Points
Preparation Participation 15
Presentation 60

This presentation is graded wholistically and does not have a rubric.
