Course(s) Used:
- Public Speaking
- Interpersonal Communication
Goals and Objectives:
- Students understand the organization of the course.
- Students know how to succeed in the course.
- Students are introduced and have contact info for peers in the course.
Rationale: This lesson orients students to the new class and to each other.
Materials Needed
- Copies of Syllabus
- Index Cards
- Classroom computer and projector
Outline of the Lesson
- Being Prepared for Class
- Materials
- Study Routine
- Textbook
- Syllabus
- Textbook
- Course Structure
- Attendance
- Learning Management System
- Website
- Grading
- How to Succeed
- Hands-on group work
- Group students into groups of 3-4
- Students share information about themselves
- Students introduce each other to the class (round robin)
- Students put their information on index cards
- Students copy peer contact information into notes
- Students turn in their contact information
- Debrief the activity
- Review & Lesson closing
Strategic grouping may be necessary for improved peer mentoring.
Variations and Accommodations
Follow guidance from local accommodation authorities.